We have developed a benefits package which works to reduce your costs and increases profitability.
We have detailed how it works to ensure it is easy to follow and show you how the benefits can be delivered in the way which most suits your business.
Your overrider rate will be calculated based on your total product purchases each quarter.
This includes everything purchased from Blakemore distribution centres but excludes purchases from third-party suppliers invoiced through our ‘Drop Shipment Scheme’.
Marketing levy is credited back to qualifying retailers.
*Subject to terms and conditions
The quarterly overrider payable will be calculated using the overrider rate based on the total qualifying product purchases.
The percentage rate is worked out (including tobacco products) and then the overrider is paid on the total of all goods supplied via our distribution depots (excluding all tobacco products).
The overrider payment is credited back to qualifying retailers quarterly in line with Blakemore trading periods.
We have set out an example here:
If you have more than one store, each store will be treated separately for the purposes of calculating the overrider rate and the total quarterly overrider payable.
Please see example below:
You can use your overrider to invest in your stores based on a five-year trading agreement being in place and board approval.*
The quarterly overrider payment will be reduced by a figure equal to the agreed percentage of the co-investment already paid to the retailer under the development agreement.
This table shows you an example of how this would work:
* Subject to adherence to the terms and conditions of the “SPAR Membership Agreement”
Leasing is now available through Blakemore Trade Partners, ask your BDE for more details.