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AFB Launches Leading the Blakemore Way App

February 18, 2021

Leading the Blakemore Way

A.F. Blakemore has launched a new Leading the Blakemore Way app to support colleagues with their leadership development.

The app has been designed to reinforce colleagues’ learnings after they have attended any of the leadership programmes offered by the business: Leading the Blakemore Way, Project Leadership and Process Management & Improvement.

Head of Business Improvement Dave Hammond commented: “The app is an innovation of the toolkit handbooks we produced. It provides a convenient reference guide that enables users to refresh their knowledge of the core tools and techniques presented on AFB’s leadership programmes.

“The aim of these tools and techniques is to help colleagues work more effectively and happily within their roles.”

The web app will work on any device but has been specifically designed for mobile devices. Supporting interactive content has been built into the Leading the Blakemore Way section.

BTP Business Development Executive Andy Morgan, who has trialled the app, commented: “Having downloaded the app to my mobile and tablet, my initial response is that it is very easy to engage with and encourages interaction with the content across the various modules. 

“I found the interactive e-learning element particularly useful for revisiting and refocussing on the techniques that underpin the Leading the Blakemore Way programme.”

Although the vision is for the app to replace the company’s physical Leading the Blakemore Way handbook, the business has recently printed an updated A5 handbook that includes new content on Project Leadership and Process Management & Improvement. 

Instructions on how to access the app have been issued to all managers across the business. Anyone else who is interested in either the app or updated handbook should email Dave Hammond at

Leading the Blakemore Way app

The web app works on both mobile and desktop devices

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